25 April 2024

Committee Meeting Summary

Matters Arising from Previous Minutes

There were no matters arising.  The committee deemed the minutes to be a true reflection of the last committee meeting. 

Indoor Meetings

The committee discussed the recent indoor meetings (‘The Ecology of North Sea Seabirds’ by Professor Francis Daunt, and The Big Quiz social event).  Everyone agreed that both meetings were enjoyed by the members.

Ideas for future meetings and outings were discussed, and it was agreed to create an events programme to allow members to plan their calendars in advance.

Winners announced at the April Indoor Meeting were:

  • BEST PHOTO 2023: Steve Buckland for his Sparrowhawk with ‘frog’ image.
  • BEST BIRD 2023: Jared Wilson for the Stejneger’s Scoter.
  • GERRY OWENS BIRD QUIZ TROPHY WINNERS: ‘Ferry Hills’ (Graham Sparshott, Derek Robertson, Mary Williams and Alistair Cairns).


The most recent Financial Statement for the 22nd April was reviewed by the committee.


The committee received an update on the current membership numbers.  It was agreed that 100 copies of the updated Fife Site Guide would be printed for future use.

New Hide Locations

The committee discussed ideas for new hide locations.  It was suggested that as the Edenside Hide is quite old, and showing signs of deterioration it could be replaced with a new hide.  It was felt that rather than continue to search for a new site, which has so far proved fruitless, the club could renew Edenside for the members.  The committee agreed that this would be a positive use of club funds for next season.  At present the Edenside hide will undergo some maintenance work, and the outside will be painted.

Recording and Bird Report

The Fife Bird Report 2019 is almost concluded, and work on the 2020 report has started.


An article about the Birding Trip to RSPB Leighton Moss with Ron Morris on 19th to 21st March will be included in the next issue of Scope.  The committee discussed ideas for future outings, and once confirmed they will be included in the FBC Events Programme that will be emailed out to members.  The Events Programme will also be uploaded to the FBC website.


Discussions around recent issues with the Fife Bird Club website and ways to improve reliability. It was agreed to ask the company hosting the website to monitor performance and any ensure all appropriate security and functionality updates were installed.

Scope/FBC Newsletter

The last issue of Scope was the largest ever produced after exceptional work from the editors.  The monthly FBC newsletter contains a summary of bird sightings extracted from the ‘Fife Bird News’ WhatsApp group.  Malc Ware has undertaken this task every month for the benefit of the members but is not able to continue doing this. The committee agreed to canvass the membership for a volunteer/s to undertake the task. 


The committee discussed the hide maintenance programme.  The following was agreed:

  • Updated Health and Safety and Risk Assessment notices will be installed in all hides.
  • A site visit to Kilconquhar Loch hide would be undertaken to assess the work required for a replacement boardwalk.
  • Some maintenance jobs would be carried out at Edenside hide, and a quote would be obtained for painting the outside.
  • Gabions will be installed at the front of the Fife Ness Hide to act as sea defence. This work will be completed before the front of the Fife Ness hide is refaced. 
  • Indoor lighting will be installed at a later date.
  • A three year rolling programme would be undertaken to ensure one hide is painted every three years.

Eden Springs Project / Letham Pools

The update from Eden Springs Fishery regarding water levels at Letham Pools is that currently they don’t have any control over the water levels.  One year after they have been granted planning permission a drain will be installed and the water level will be dropped by 300mm.  The excess water will be used to maintain the water levels in the fishery.

Health and Safety

Health and safety issues are covered under No 12 Hides.

Audiomoth Units

The committee agreed that an Equipment Register could be created with details of the four Audiomoth Serial Numbers, and any binoculars purchased in the future.   The Equipment Register could be added to the FBC website on a separate ‘Equipment’ page.

Borrowed Equipment

Research on various models of binoculars for inclusion in an equipment lending scheme is ongoing.


  • The committee was issued with information relating to the ‘Northbank Luxury Lodge Development’ currently underway adjacent to Cameron Reservoir. Discussion ensued.
  • Information was passed on to the committee regarding the SOC Fife Branch struggling to find members to help with running the branch. Information was circulated to its members regarding various options for the future of the SOC Fife Branch.  Discussion ensued and the (FBC) committee decided to obtain an update of the current situation.

Date of Next Meeting:

Fife Bird Club Annual General Meeting will be held on Thursday 11th July at 7.30pm at the Dean Park Hotel, Kirkcaldy.