We are particularly after high quality images or images of unusual observations in Fife.
LOG IN to the website.
Click GALLERY at the top of the page.
Click UPLOAD PHOTO at the top and the Upload Photo form should appear.
Fill each box down the form as follows
Title – e.g. Reed Bunting
Description – MUST INCLUDE where the bird was sighted e.g. Morton Lochs and the date that the photograph was taken.
You can fill in any other info you wish into this box e.g. Male or one of a flock of 16 etc.
Category – Select the category from the drop-down menu at the right hand side of this box
The current month has usually been prefaced with an “a” e.g. “aFife – February 2021” to make it easier to find (it should appear as the first available option). You can upload to any past category by choosing it from the list.
Select image: (MAXIMUM ALLOWED SIZE IS 6.0 MB) Click on the browse button and navigate to where you have the image stored, select that image and click on the open button. The file name will appear in the box
E.g. C:\fakepath\Reed Bunting2.jpg DO NOT CHANGE ANY OF THIS FILENAME.
Check that you have filled in all the boxes as you have wished.
If you are satisfied with your choices Click the Submit Photo button.
Now check that the image is in the Members only – Gallery.