Two juvenile Curlew Sandpipers, a Bar-tailed Godwit, two Whimbrel and a Wheatear were seen on Balcomie beach (1st), a Dipper was noted on the Keith Burn, Inverkeithing, 78 Red-breasted Mergansers were just out from the river mouth at Leven and counted from the Eden Estuary Centre were 135 Dunlins, three Greenshanks, five Black-tailed Godwits, three Bar-tailed Godwits, one Kingfisher and an adult White-tailed Eagle. Watched from Out Head (2nd) were c50 immature Gannets and two Red-throated Divers and the Seawatching Day Count at Fife Ness was 78 Red-throated Divers S, 36 Common Scoters S, two Velvet Scoters S, one Manx Shearwater S, 3N, 14 Sooty Shearwaters N, one Balearic Shearwater N, seven Arctic Skuas N, one Bonxie S, 2N, 89 Little Gulls, three Sandwich Terns S, six Goosanders S and c1500 Razorbills N. A Merlin and c300 Golden Plovers were noted at Anstruther and a single juvenile Curlew Sandpiper was in with a flock of Dunlins at the Eden Estuary, with a single Curlew Sandpiper at Balcomie Beach, where a Whimbrel and a Wheatear were also present, also a Merlin flew past heading towards Fife Ness. Noted at Ferry Hills were 47 Red-throated Divers, one Arctic Skua, one Jay, 42 Skylarks, 38 Swallows, 384 Meadow Pipits, 35 Lesser Redpolls, one Crossbill, 69 Siskins and 15 Reed Buntings. In ‘The Patch’ at Fife Ness was a lone Chiffchaff, whilst four Bramblings and one Redwing were seen at nearby Kilminning, 10 Pale-bellied Brent Geese were at Tayport and seen from Crail were two Sooty Shearwaters E, two Arctic Skuas E, one Manx Shearwater E, one Pomarine Skua E, 200 Razorbills E, seven Common Scoters E and three Red-throated Divers W. A seawatch at Kinghorn produced two juvenile Long-tailed Skuas, one Black Tern, one juvenile Arctic Tern, six Arctic Skuas, seven Bonxies, five Little Gulls and 120 Kittiwakes and the Seawatching Day Count at Fife Ness (3rd) was 39 Red-throated Divers S, four Velvet Scoters S, 14 Common Scoters, one Wigeon S, 122 Little Gulls S, 154 Sandwich Terns S and one Arctic Skua N. One juvenile Curlew Sandpiper was still present on Balcomie Beach and logged at Ferry Hills were one juvenile Long-tailed Skua, which flew inland with an Arctic Skua, two Bonxies, 11 Red-throated Divers, one Black-throated Diver, 42 House Martins and a steady passage of pipits and finches. A solitary Wheatear was seen at Craigmead in the Lomond Hills, the flock of 10 Pale-bellied Brent Geese were still on show at Tayport and a single juvenile Curlew Sandpiper was noted from the Eden Estuary Centre. At Strathkinness (4th) a Chiffchaff was heard calling, the count at Ferry Hills was three Whooper Swans, 22 Red-throated Divers, one Arctic Skua, two Jays, 96 Swallows, 24 House Martins, 362 Meadow Pipits, one Tree Pipit, 126 Chaffinches, one Brambling, 28 Lesser Redpolls, two Crossbills and 65 Siskins and seen at Kilminning were one Blackcap, one Chiffchaff, one Goldcrest, one Brambling, one Mistle Thrush, six Blackbirds, three Song Thrushes, 80 Greenfinches and 40 Linnets. An adult White-tailed Eagle was seen at Arncroach (5th) and logged at Ferry Hills were 947 Pink-feet, 34 Red-throated Divers, 120 Kittiwakes, three Bonxies and one Arctic Skua and the Seawatching Day Count at Fife Ness was 19 Red-throated Divers S, 1N, one Black-throated Diver N, 50 Common Scoters N, two Little Gulls S, one Golden Plover N, eight Wigeon N, one Scaup N, three Red-breasted Mergansers 3N and nine Turnstones N. Seen from Kinghorn were 55 Little Gulls and one Bonxie, 200 Golden Plovers were seen near Kilrenny and at Inzievar a Nuthatch was a good find after being absent from that site for a few years. Six Little Gulls, two Red-throated Divers, seven Gannets, five Sandwich Terns, two Common Terns, 52 Pink-footed Geese S, 15 Wigeon W and one Great Crested Grebe were seen from St David’s Harbour (6th) and not far away at Ferry Hills seven Taiga Bean Geese, 1798 Pink-feet, three Bonxies, one female/juvenile Merlin, two Bramblings and 36 Tree Sparrows were logged. A Brambling, five Blackcaps, four Chiffchaffs, three Song Thrushes, three Lesser Redpolls, two Redwings, six Goldcrests, one Wheatear and 20 Whooper Swans passing over, were seen at Kilminning, three Wheatears were at West Sands, St Andrews and seen from Fife Ness were four Red-throated Divers S, 12 Common Scoters N, 22 Kittiwakes S, with also a small flock of Bramblings watched coming in off the sea. Seen from Cellardyke were one Red-throated Diver W, 37 Common Scoters E and one Grey Wagtail W and at Balcomie Beach (7th), the juvenile Curlew Sandpiper was still present, noted nearby at Fife Ness were two Red-throated Divers off the point, also 1N and 2S, 47 Eiders N, 1S, seven Common Scoters N, four Velvet Scoters S and one Sandwich Tern N and counted at the Eden Estuary Centre were 39 Pink-footed Geese, one Red-throated Diver, one Great Crested Grebe, four Little Grebes, seven Pintail, 30 Mallards, 35 Wigeon, 25 Teal, 18 Scaup, one Goldeneye, one Tufted Duck, one Red-breasted Merganser, 30 Goosanders, four Little Egrets, 350 Redshanks, one Greenshank, 225 Golden Plovers, one Knot, one Bar-tailed Godwit and one Black-tailed Godwit.
An immature Marsh Harrier was watched at Newburgh (8th) and seen from the Eden Estuary Centre were one juvenile Spotted Redshank, one Common Sandpiper, 10 Little Egrets and two Grey Plovers. An adult Mediterranean Gull, minus itsleft foot, was seen at Buckhaven, 19 Scaup, one Velvet Scoter, one Great Crested Grebe, four Red-throated Divers, c200 Little Gulls, one Purple Sandpiper and a Peregrine were seen in St Andrews Bay. Seen at Kilminning (9th) were a Red Kite flying towards Fife Ness, one female/juvenile Merlin, four Jays, 15 Song Thrushes, six Redwings, four Blackcaps, two Goosanders flew over, c200 Golden Plovers, 36 Wigeon and 11 Red-throated Divers W. At Craigtoun Park 14, presumed, Taiga Bean Geese were seen flying over W, the juvenile Curlew Sandpiper was alongside a Bar-tailed Godwit and a Greenshank on ‘The Stinky Pool’, at Fife Ness and a Leucistic Herring Gull, a Mediterranean Gull and a Little Gull were seen from the road past the Airfield at Crail. A Great White Egret was seen from the viewing screen at Cullaloe LNR, a Tystie was offshore at Out Head and a Short-eared Owl flew S there also. Another Tystie was seen from the beach car park at Kingsbarns and noted at Ferry Hills (10th) were a juvenile Red Kite which flew NW across the Forth from Lothian. Also seen there were 24 Tree Sparrows, 145 Skylarks, 314 Meadow Pipits, three Bramblings, two Crossbills, 90 Siskins and 55 Lesser Redpolls. A very vocal Ring-necked Parakeet was seen in Beveridge Park, Kirkcaldy, offshore from Kincraig a Great Northern Diver was seen, whilst an adult and a 1st winter Mediterranean Gull flew E. Also seen were a Raven, a Peregrine, three Stonechats, four Chiffchaffs, 187 Skylarks W, two Bramblings W and a juvenile Goshawk was seen over the woods at the car park. Also seen there were a pair of Kestrels and a Merlin, which came over the headland and was then lost to view heading S. 10 Meadow Pipits, eight Skylarks and 10 Ravens were seen in the Lomond Hills, two Barnacle Geese and 250 Pink-footed Geese were seen just N of Craigluscar Reservoir and noted from the Leisure Centre in St Andrews were three Bramblings S, 68 House Martins and 28 Swallows S, two White Wagtails, 35 Skylarks S, 18 Meadow Pipits S and one Chiffchaff. Two Great White Egrets were present at Moor Loch, a Peregrine was watched eating one of the drake Shovelers at Letham Pools (11th) and a Hawfinch and 25 Barnacle Geese were seen at Ferry Hills. 350 Pink-footed Geese and a Barnacle Goose were seen at the Bow of Fife and the Great White Egret count was down to one at Moor Loch. Counted at the Eden Estuary LNR were 350 Pink-footed Geese overhead flying W, c120 Lapwings, c200 Golden Plovers, six Greenshanks, six Little Egrets and two Kingfishers. 18 Barnacle Geese flew W at Fife Ness, the Curlew Sandpiper was still present on Balcomie Beach and from Dalgety Bay three adult Mediterranean Gulls, one Manx Shearwater, one Bonxie and one Arctic Tern were seen. Along at Burntisland a Great Northern Diver, two Guillemots and eight dead Guillemots were all seen in the Harbour. Noted at Kilminning (12th) were 1500 Barnacle Geese W, 150 Redwings, 40 Song Thrushes and two Snipe with c200 Barnacle Geese seen flying SW over Kirkcaldy also, c500 Pink-feet flew S, c500 Barnacle Geese and also one Whooper Swan, were all seen from the Eden Estuary Centre. 860 Barnacle Geese flew S over St Andrews and noted at Fife Ness were 4166 Barnacle Geese (the day’s total), 260 Pink-footed Geese, one Balearic Shearwater N, five Sooty Shearwaters N, three Manx Shearwaters N, three Arctic Skuas N, one Bonxie N, c85 Little Gulls, 16 Wigeon, two Teal, 13 Red-throated Divers, two Puffins, nine Scaup S, 3N, eight Teal N, c35 Common Scoters, c1000 Barnacle Geese S, c50 Pink-footed Geese S and one Whimbrel, with two Jack Snipe, two Snipe, 200 Redwings, 40 Song Thrushes, one Mistle Thrush, five Chiffchaffs, six Goldcrests, one Wheatear, three Grey Wagtails, 500 Golden Plovers and 11 Grey Partridges also seen in the area. Close by, the juvenile Curlew Sandpiper still present at Balcomie Beach, three Red-throated Divers were seen from St David’s Harbour and there was a fine sight of three Cranes flying over The Wilderness, heading towards the Lomond Hills. A Short-eared Owl was seen at Kilminning, with 225 Barnacle Geese counted passing W in three flocks. An interesting Lesser Whitethroat was seen briefly at Fairmont, St Andrews, with one Ring Ouzel, 10 Redwings, two Bramblings, one Chiffchaff, two Greenshanks and 120 Barnacle Geese SE all noted there too. A probable Olive-backed Pipit flew over Ferry Hills (13th), with 98 Barnacle Geese, nine Goldeneye and four Crossbills counted there also. The interesting Lesser Whitethroat at Fairmont, St Andrews was seen again, with a Brambling, four Goldcrests, 12 Redwings, seven Greenshanks, five Whooper Swans NW, one Ring Ouzel, one Blackcap, four Chiffchaffs, three Song Thrushes, seven Brent Geese S and 20 Barnacle Geese S seen. Also, a Hobby flew low over Fairmont clubhouse, then flew SE. One Great White Egret was still in the NE corner at Moor Loch and also present were 40 Canada Geese. Three Chiffchaffs and a Brambling were seen at Kilminning and counted passing Fife Ness were one Sooty Shearwater N, two Merlins, 77 Barnacle Geese S, 195 Pink-footed Geese S, 21 Common Scoters, eight Red-throated Divers S, two Wigeon N, one Whimbrel, two Puffins S, 36 Guillemots N, one Razorbill N, six Kittiwakes N, two Red-breasted Mergansers N and two Great Northern Divers S. At Letham Pools 11 Whooper Swans were present before being chased off by an aggressive Mute Swan family. Also, one Jack Snipe was in the SE corner. Seen from the Eden Estuary Centre (14th) were one juvenile Common Tern, 500 Barnacle Geese, 1500 Pink-footed Geese, six Pale-bellied Brent Geese, 45 Scaup, 14 Goosanders, 160 Wigeon, eight Greenshanks, c500 Redshanks, 30 Black-tailed Godwits, one Ruff, 270 Golden Plovers, 400 Lapwings, one Peregrine, one Buzzard and one Whooper Swan.
The Great White Egret was still in the NW corner of Moor Loch (15th), 34 Scaup, 26 Barnacle Geese, 23 Black-tailed Godwits, one Whooper Swan, five Little Egrets, five Greenshanks and c50 Wigeon were seen from the Eden Estuary Centre and the first report of a Yellow-browed Warbler this autumn came from St Andrews. Two Taiga Bean Geese W, 953 Pink-feet, 38 Whooper Swans, one Arctic Skua, 21 Lesser Redpolls, seven Crossbills and 60 Siskins were logged at Ferry Hills and near Kirkcaldy at Shawsmill a 1st calendar year White-tailed Eagle was being mobbed by four Buzzards. 150 Barnacle Geese were in a grass field near the Fife Bird Club hide at the Eden Estuary, six Redshanks, three Buzzards and a Sparrowhawk were also seen. 12 Whooper Swans were on Loch Fitty, six Red-throated Divers were present at Dalgety Bay and seen at Cameron Reservoir were one Merlin, one Peregrine, seven Whooper Swans, eight Greylags, one Jay, one Snipe and c1000 Pink-feet were feeding in fields to the SW. The Seawatching Day Count from Fife Ness was two Sooty Shearwaters N, five Manx Shearwaters N, one Bonxie S, one adult Pomarine Skua N, five Arctic Skuas S, 269 Barnacle Geese, 287 Pink-feet, one Taiga Bean Goose S, five Whooper Swans S, three Great Northern Divers S, nine Red-throated Divers S, 3N, 26 Common Scoters N, one Velvet Scoter S, eight Wigeon N, 3S, two Teal N, two Red-breastedMergansers N, 332 Little Gulls, one Common Tern N, two Purple Sandpipers N and 178 Common Gulls S, 18N. Two Taiga Bean Geese passed SW over St Andrews (16th), two Spoonbills were a good find on the Eden Estuary, where c2000 Pink-footed Geese, 145 Barnacle Geese, eight Little Egrets, one Whooper Swan, four Goldeneye, 38 Scaup, 20 Goosanders, 20 Red-breasted Mergansers, one Great Crested Grebe, one Red-throated Diver, c400 Golden Plovers, one Greenshank, 21 Black-tailed Godwits and three Bar-tailed Godwits were counted. Two adult Mediterranean Gulls were in the gull flock on Park Road, Rosyth and two late House Martins passed over Dunfermline heading N. At Kippo Farm near Kingsbarns, a female Merlin, a pair of Ravens and 18 Corn Buntings were noted, c100 Redwings, Blackbirds and Song Thrushes and a Chiffchaff came in with the rain at Kilminning and counted from nearby Fife Ness (17th) were one Common Sandpiper, two Black-throated Divers S, one adult Mediterranean Gull S, one Arctic Skua S. Four Little Gulls S, c10 Red-throated Divers, seven Teal N, eight Wigeon S, two Goldeneye N, 10 Common Scoters N and four Barnacle Geese S. A ringtail Hen Harrier was watched at Cameron Reservoir, at least three Bramblings were in with a Chaffinch flock at New Gilston, 900 Redwings were counted at lower Kilminning with two Bramblings and a further 650 Redwings counted at upper Kilminning, noted in Kittock’s Den were one Ring Ouzel, two Fieldfares, c240 Redwings, two Bramblings, one Blackcap, two Twite, two Ravens and one Jack Snipe and 18 Snipe were also in a field to the SE of the Den. At Kilminning (18th) c300 Redwings, two Ring Ouzels, c4 Bramblings, two Fieldfares and five Mistle Thrushes were seen at the upper area, with a Lapland Bunting and five Whooper Swans passing over the lower area. An astonishing count of 19000 Redwings was made at Ferry Hills, with 4600 Redwings passing over SW at Kilmany, also a Raven there. Counted at Fife Ness were four Long-tailed Ducks S, two Bonxies N, 11 Velvet Scoters, five Common Scoters N, nine Red-throated Divers S, 4N, 92 Little Gulls, c50 Kittiwakes N, one Manx Shearwater N, three Ringed Plovers S and two Goosanders S. An immature Hobby was watched hunting over sea, catching incoming passerines and a Sparrowhawk came in off the sea. Watched passing over Bogward Road, St Andrews were a Ring Ouzel and two Taiga Bean Geese W, three Little Gulls and six Arctic Terns were seen at Dalgety Bay and at Kilminning (19th) a Dusky Warbler was a great find, showing and calling well, also there were a Jack Snipe and two Bramblings. Seen at Dalgety Bay were three Little Gulls, 12 Arctic Terns and a juvenile Pomarine Skua, the Dusky Warbler was still calling and giving brief views at Kilminning (20th), a Red Kite passed W over Burntisland, an adult Mediterranean Gull was amongst Black-headed Gulls at Cambo and four Little Gulls were seen from Anstruther. A single Little Gull was seen from Cellardyke and counted at Out Head were two Red-throated Divers, one Arctic Skua, 10 Common Scoters and a Stonechat, an adult Mediterranean Gull was on Balcomie Beach and at Letham Pools 31 Whooper Swans, including five juveniles, were counted with four more adults noted passing over S. At Kilminning (21st) the Dusky Warbler was showing very well, with four Bramblings, a Stonechat, a male Blackcap and a Goldcrest also present, four Red-throated Divers were off Braefoot Point, with 264 Curlews nearby at Barns Farm. The Seawatching Day Count at Fife Ness was one Great Northern Diver N, 2S, one Black-throated Diver S, 17 Red-throated Divers, one Sooty Shearwater N, one Manx Shearwater, one Puffin, one Bonxie S, one Arctic Skua S, one adult Pomarine Skua N, 135 Little Gulls S, 168 Eider S, 28 Common Scoters N, 5S, one Velvet Scoter S, 18 Long-tailed Ducks S, 9N, one Goldeneye N, two Mallard N, five Wigeon N, 319 Common Gulls S, three Mediterranean Gulls S, five Greylags N and one female Merlin.
At Letham Pools the count of 46 Whooper Swans included 10 juveniles, a Red Kite and a Raven both drifted over Auchtermuchty (22nd), the Dusky Warbler was still present at Kilminning, with a Jack Snipe also noted there, the Fife Ness Seawatching Day Count was three Sooty Shearwaters N, three Manx Shearwaters N, two Bonxies N, three Arctic Skuas N, one Great Northern Diver N, one Black Throated Diver S, 12 Red-throated Divers, 41 Little Auks N, 1S, one Tystie S, one Puffin, 36 Little Gulls, five Grey Phalaropes on the water, then N, a county record count, 26 Common Scoters, three Velvet Scoters N, 2S, five Wigeon N, 36 Long-tailed Ducks N, 23S, one Goldeneye N, one Greylag Goose S, 33 Pink-feet S and two Mallard N. Two adult Pomarine Skuas, five Little Gulls were seen lingering over the Forth from Ferry Hills, four Whooper Swans passed over Dunfermline heading W, with a further seven seen heading N over North Queensferry. 13 Whooper Swans, 63 Goldeneye, four Tufted Ducks, eight Goosanders and a Marsh Harrier were noted at Newburgh, the count of Whooper Swans at Letham Pools rose to 86 and seen off Pathhead were a Black-throated Diver and five Long-tailed Ducks. Six Little Gulls W and four Red-throated Divers were seen off Braefoot Point and at Fife Ness (23rd) the Seawatching Day Count was one White-billed Diver N, five Great Northern Divers S, 1N, 27 Red-throated Divers, 74 Little Auks N, 1S, one Puffin, two Pomarine Skuas N, three Arctic Skuas, two Bonxies, c40 Little Gulls, three Velvet Scoters S, 1N, 112 Common Scoters N 3S, five Goldeneye S, two Manx Shearwaters N, three Whooper Swans N and 300 Pink-feet W, c23 Little Auks passed Anstruther and seen from St David’s Harbour were seven Little Gulls, six Arctic Terns, five Red-throated Divers, 21 Gannets, two Goldeneye, 28 Razorbills and 13 Guillemots. Four Brent Geese, seven Scaup, nine Long-tailed Ducks, c10 Red-throated Divers, one Black-throated Diver, three Slavonian Grebes, two Great Crested Grebes, 85 Grey Plovers and two Little Egrets were seen at Out Head, at Kilminning a Woodcock was flushed and seen passing over Bogward Road, St Andrews were one Hawfinch S calling, one Snow Bunting S, 16 Bramblings S, 9E, one Chiffchaff, seven Lesser Redpolls S, 52 Siskins S, 85 Skylarks S, five Meadow Pipits S, 103 Redwings S, 84 W, 29 Fieldfares S and 27 Song Thrushes. Counted from Cellardyke were six Eider E, three Little Auks E, one Manx Shearwater E and 15 Common Scoters W, 9E and c35 Scaup were seen off St Andrews. Watched passing Kinghorn were six Little Gulls, eight Red-throated Divers W, 18 Common Scoters W, 11 Long-tailed Ducks, two Mediterranean Gulls W, one Arctic Skua W and one Sandwich Tern and the Seawatching Day Count at Fife Ness (24th) was three Grey Phalaropes, 51 Little Auks, one Sooty Shearwater N, three Manx Shearwaters, three Arctic Skuas, 52 Common Scoters N, two Long-tailed Ducks, 21 Wigeon S, seven Red-throated Divers N, five Goldeneye S and three Puffins N, c5 Little Gulls were off Kinghorn and seen from Fairmont, St Andrews were one White-billed Diver W, one Grey Phalarope W, 63 Little Gulls W, 52E, one Arctic Skua E, one Bonxie W, two Manx Shearwater E, four Great Northern Divers, two Black-throated Divers, 27 Red-throated Divers, one Great Crested Grebe W, 10 Long-tailed Ducks, five Goosander E, four Goldeneye W, 19 Wigeon NW, six Teal W, two Velvet Scoter NW, 320 Common Scoters and 173 Pink-footed Geese. Also, four Greenshanks were on the shore. Two Snow Buntings were on Kingsbarns Beach, a Bar-tailed Godwit, seven Greenshanks, one hybrid Hooded Crow, one Knot, one Guillemot, one Peregrine and 27 Ringed Plovers were counted at Newmills Bay and noted passing Ferry Hills (25th) were one Great Northern Diver, six Red-throated Divers, four Arctic Terns, also eight Bramblings. Seen at Kingsbarns Beach were 16 Twite, with a ringtail Hen Harrier and a Wheatear also noted there, a Barn Owl flew over at Rosyth Halt and counted passing Fife Ness were two Red-throated Divers, 19 Common Scoters, one Razorbill N and 175 Pink-feet N. Six Whooper Swans were at Kilmany (26th), a Brambling and 25 Redwings were at Kilminning and counted from the Eden Estuary Centre were c500 Golden Plovers, six Little Egrets, at least one White-tailed Eagle, c30 Dunlins and 12 Black-tailed Godwits, a Spotted Redshank, 18 Grey Plovers, 24 Knot and 72 Pintail were seen in Balgove Bay and counted off St Andrews were c100 Common Scoters, three Velvet Scoters, six Great Crested Grebes, one Slavonian Grebe, two Red-throated Divers and c20 Eiders. The Seawatching Day Count at Fife Ness was one Grey Phalarope, six Little Auks, 17 Guillemot N, 5S, one Razorbill N and three Kittiwakes N, 1S, one Long-tailed Duck S, two Puffins, seven Common Scoters N, 2S, six Velvet Scoters S, five Red-throated Divers, four Little Auks N, 1S, two Little Gulls N, one Goldeneye S, one adult Mediterranean Gull was lingering offshore, one Pomarine Skua N and one Merlin S. Two Snow Buntings and a Wheatear were at Kingsbarns, a Common Tern W, a Red-throated Diver and six Siskins low W were noted at Burntisland (27th). 15 Whooper Swans passed W over Cupar and seen from the Eden Estuary Centre were a Little Egret, c1000 Golden Plovers, 40 Scaup, 250 Lapwings, 30 Barnacle Geese and 250 Pink-feet, the Seawatching Day Count at Fife Ness was one Pomarine Skua N, one Mediterranean Gull, three Little Gulls, one Long-tailed Duck S, six Velvet Scoters S, one Goldeneye S, nine Common Scoters, two Puffins, four Little Auks N, 1S and a Merlin. Six Little Gulls and eight Arctic Terns were seen off Dalgety Bay (28th), with the count at Fife Ness being three Common Scoters S, 2N, six Long-tailed Ducks N, 1S, five Red-throated Divers S, one Great Northern Diver off the point, four Pale-bellied Brent Geese N, one Tystie S, two Little Auks S, 77 Fulmars S, four Little Gulls S and two Purple Sandpipers.
Three Little Gulls were off Braefoot Point (29th), 12 Little Gulls, one Red-throated Diver W, 12 Common Scoters, two Long-tailed Ducks, 16 Wigeon and 20 Gannets were seen from Kinghorn (30th), at Ferry Hills two Little Egrets flew W, also one Little Gull, five Arctic Terns and one Arctic Skua over the Forth were seen, three Woodcocks were seen in ‘The Patch’ at Fife Ness and an adult Mediterranean Gull was seen at West Wemyss. A Swallow was seen in Kirkcaldy and seen from Kinghorn were one Bonxie W, one 2nd winter Mediterranean Gull W, c4 Little Gulls W, 31 Kittiwakes W, one Goldeneye W and c20 Gannets. The Seawatching Day Count at Fife Ness was 26 Little Auks, one Tystie, one Pomarine Skua, two Bonxies, one Arctic Skua, 42 Common Scoters, six Long-tailed Ducks, 22 Wigeon, 42 Teal, one Great Northern Diver, six Red-throated Divers, three Little Gulls, one Manx Shearwater, 15 Redwings and 205 Starlings in off the sea, a Swallow, five Scaup, five Gadwall and c150 Teal were at Loch Gelly and seen from Dalgety Bay were five Little Gulls, one Mediterranean Gull W, three Arctic Terns and one Arctic Skua. c30 Fieldfares were in a stubble field at Kilmany, two Woodcocks, one Brambling, one Chiffchaff, eight Redwings, one Song Thrush and c20 Blackbirds were seen at Fairmont, St Andrews and counted from Fife Ness (31st) were one Tystie S, one Little Auk N, 1S, 73 Eider S, one Bonxie, one Great Northern Diver S, five Red-throated Divers, one Little Gull N, 3S one Red-breasted Merganser S, 12 Common Scoters, two Teal S, six Long-tailed Ducks S, four Eider N, 24S. Noted at Pathhead were one Great Northern Diver W, one Bonxie and an adult Mediterranean Gull off Ravenscraig. Also 13 Siskins over, 42 Redwings, three Long-tailed Ducks, four Velvet Scoters and 14 Magpies were at Pathhead, a new site record. 57 Curlews were counted at Guardbridge, two Great Northern Divers, seven Red-throated Divers, 80 Kittiwakes, one Little Gull, one Swallow and six Bramblings were seen at Ferry Hills and seen from Kinghorn were two Bonxies, 18 Little Gulls, two Long-tailed Ducks and four Common Scoters.
Information supplied courtesy of Malcolm Ware