Access to Edenside Hide

Access to the Fife Bird Club hide at Edenside is strictly for FBC members, by the kind agreement of the landowner. This longstanding arrangement is under threat due to the actions of non-members who have chosen to stand alongside, or in front of, the hide potentially causing disturbance to the wildlife and defeating the purpose of having a hide in the first place. The individuals concerned are asked to respect not only the wildlife, but also requests from Fife Bird Club members and the wishes of the landowner.

The hide overlooks the Eden Estuary Local Nature Reserve and on no account should anyone loiter outside the hide or go beyond the hide and encroach on the reserve itself. The placement of feeders near to the hide is also strictly forbidden.

The reserve hosts a wide range of species and it should be noted that under the Wildlife and Countryside Act, Schedule 1 includes “birds and their young, for which it is an offence to intentionally or recklessly disturb at, on or near an ‘active’ nest”.