June 2022 Sightings

A pair of Garganey put in a brief appearance at Kinghorn Loch on the 1st and a probable migrant Short-eared Owl was at Crail that day. Two Brent Geese were on Lucky Scalp at Tayport on the 3rd with one still there the next day when a Whimbrel was noted at Ruddons Point. The Little Gull was seen at Letham Pools on the 5th. A Black Redstart was a good find at Kilminning on the 9th but not seen subsequently. A Red Kite did a tour of the north-east of Fife on the 10th and was seen at various locations from Dunino to just south of the Tay bridge. Roseate Terns were seen from Kinghorn on the 11th and 12th with singles on both days. In the early hours on the 14th a Quail was heard singing going over Bogward Road in St Andrews, with 20 Black-tailed Godwits at Letham Pools later that day. Eight Red-throated Divers, 140 Manx Shearwaters and five Ravens were at Ruddons Point on the 15th. The following day 232 Manx Shearwaters flew north at Fife Ness, with four Brent Geese at Tayport and two Greenshanks on the Eden Estuary. 2nd calendar year Mediterranean Gulls were a feature on the 18th with one at Kinghorn early morning and two seen at Ruddons Point later with possibly one of these at the river mouth at Leven the next day. A Merlin was at Anstruther on the 20th with 180 Manx Shearwaters east past there the following day. 15 Black-tailed Godwits were at Letham Pools on the 25th with 17 the next day, along with two Green Sandpipers. 14 Black-tailed Godwits and one Green Sandpiper remained at Letham Pools on the 27th. The 29th saw the 14 Black-tailed Godwits still at Letham Pools and two Whimbrel flew south at Fife Ness. The relatively quiet month ended with adult Mediterranean Gulls being seen at Anstruther and Balcomie on the 30th.

Information supplied courtesy of Malcolm Ware