How To Join FBC
If you would like to become a member of the Fife Bird Club, please complete our Membership Form and Gift Aid Form.
The completed form can be returned to the address provided on the form or emailed to The current membership rate is £21.00 (for both individual and family membership) and £10 for unwaged, 18 to 21-year-olds and students in FE or HE. The membership year runs from 1st August to 31st July.
Members have exclusive access to the Club’s three bird hides located at key sites in Fife. Members can attend Club meetings and outings and have full access to the Club’s website. Club members also gain access to the latest annual Fife Bird Report, a Club magazine called ’Scope’, which is published three times per year, and a monthly newsletter which summarises the most recent Fife bird news.
For enquiries or suggestions about any aspect of the Club please use the CONTACT US tab on this website.